IQVIA Doctor In Touch


IQVIA’s digitaal artsenplatform dat de administratieve processen van artsen verbindt met die van aangesloten farmabedrijven in een veilige, één-op-één verbinding.

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For assistance or inquiries, our dedicated support team is here to help. Reach out to us at +32 3 355 29 79 for prompt assistance and answers to your questions.

Protecting your data

To understand how we protect your data and ensure compliance with privacy regulations please read our Legal Disclaimer and GDPR Compliance statement. Your trust and privacy are of utmost importance to us.

Disclaimer - Legal Notice

IQVIA services

Explore our diverse service portfolio to discover how we can further assist you, as a pharmacist.Category Management, Couponing, Digital Signage, Merchandising, Pharmacy Consult, Other IQVIA Services

Doctor In Touch

IQVIA is a world leader in using data, technology, advanced analytics and human expertise to help customers drive healthcare forward. As the essential partner for pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies we offer effective activation services and marketing tools to meet today's challenges. 